
AY 2023-2024

FALL 2023
•         Identify Self-Study Steering Committee (SSSC) co-chairs
•         Identify SSSC members
•         Establish Self-Study Working Group (SSWG) areas and identify chairs/co-chairs
•         Begin work on UMBC Knowledge Repository to inform Evidence Inventory
•         Self-Study Institute (SSI)
•         Pre-Visit Conference Call – SSSC co-chairs, ALO and MSCHE VPIFR (Terrence Peavy) – 01/09/24
•         Draft Self-Study Design (must be submitted via email to MSCHE VPIFR at least 2 weeks prior to Self-Study Preparation Visit)
•         Establish campus communication plan, including website
•         Establish SSWGs and their charges
•         Self-Study Preparation Visit – MSCHE VPIFR Visit to review SS Design – 03/07/24
•         MSCHE VPIFR approves SS Design
•         Kick-off Retreat for SSSC, SSWGs, Core Team & Evidence Inventory Committee 03/27/24
•         SSWGs core work addressing Standards
•         SSWGs develop chapter outlines and begin chapter drafts

AY 2024-2025

FALL 2024
•         SSWGs submit chapter drafts by end of fall
•         Evidence Inventory work continues
•         All Self-Study participant gathering with Provost van Dulmen 10/10/2024
•         Sharing chapter draft summaries with UMBC community for feedback

•         Evaluation Team Chair proposed by MSCHE to President Sheares Ashby

•         Identification of Evaluation Team Members

•         Self-Study draft
•         Draft Self-Study reviewed vis a vis the Evidence Inventory to identify and resolve any gaps
•         Institution-wide sharing and feedback for the full Self-Study Report draft
•         Submit draft Self-Study Report draft to Evaluation Team Chair

AY 2025-2026

FALL 2025
•         Evaluation Team Chair Preliminary Visit (4 to 6 months prior to Evaluation Team Site Visit (ETSV)
•         Evaluation Team Site Visit (ETSV)
•         Receive and review written draft of Team Report (w/in 14 calendar days of ETSV); UMBC submit draft with any corrections to the Team Chair (w/in 7 calendar days of receipt of draft)
•         Team Chair upload final report to MSCHE (w/in 5 days of receipt of corrected draft)
•         UMBC uploads formal institutional response (w/in 7 days of final report being uploaded by Team Chair)
•         Team Chair uploads confidential brief to MSCHE (UMBC does not see this brief)
•         Notification of Commission Action
•         Institutional Response (may be part of Annual AIU, which typically occurs in late spring)